Use of Stabilized Earth in the Construction of Low Cost Sustainable Housing in Africa: An Energy Solution in the Era of Climate Changes

journal article
Stabilised earth is an alternative building material which is significantly cheaper than using conventional brick and concrete, and is also environmentally sustainable. Earth has been used as a construction material in every continent and in every age. It is one of the oldest building materials. The use of earth on site as a building material saves manufacturing cost, time, energy, environmental pollution and transportation cost. Most African countries do not have any well structured and effective program to address the global agenda of sustainability through the use of appropriate construction materials. In order to demonstrate stabilized earth as a sustainable appropriate construction material, the experiences and practices of using earth construction can be studied and harnessed from other subcontinents to demonstrate the dynamism of this material suitable for low cost house construction in the African subcontinent. This paper aims to identify and highlight potentiality of stabilized earth construction in the solution of low cost housing crisis in Africa and justify the use of this appropriate construction material is an energy solution in the era of climate change.


Zami, Mohammad Sharif and Lee, Angela. "Use of Stabilized Earth in the Construction of Low Cost Sustainable Housing in Africa: An Energy Solution in the Era of Climate Changes," in ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 3, issue 2 (2009).

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Mohammad Sharif Zami and Angela Lee

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