Hassan Fathy - Written to: Dr. Haji Muhsin al-Tantawi, Center For Hajj Research - Mecca, Saudi Arabia<br/><br/>Date: August 19, 1976<br/><br/>This document discusses the factors that should be kept in mind while designing and planning the area of Mecca and holy sites within for the future. The document includes Fathy's suggestions and concepts for designs to encompass the holy environment of the region, to consider health regulations and provisions, the local geographical situations, and the annual amount of pilgrims that visit the city throughout the year and especially at the time of the Hajj.

A Memorandum Regarding The Planning Of Mecca For The Future In Consideration Of The Rituals Of Hajj

Written to: Dr. Haji Muhsin al-Tantawi, Center For Hajj Research - Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Date: August 19, 1976

This document discusses the factors that should be kept in mind while designing and planning the area of Mecca and holy sites within for the future. The document includes Fathy's suggestions and concepts for designs to encompass the holy environment of the region, to consider health regulations and provisions, the local geographical situations, and the annual amount of pilgrims that visit the city throughout the year and especially at the time of the Hajj.


Fathy, Hassan. A Memorandum Regarding The Planning Of Mecca For The Future In Consideration Of The Rituals Of Hajj. 19 Aug. 1976. Hassan Fathy Archives. Aga Khan Trust for Culture. Geneva, Switzerland.




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