New in 2017
In the past year Archnet content expanded significantly.  More than 12,300 new records were added, including names, sites, publications, images, and other media.  We also brought you new exhibitions and collections, while also expanding our existing collections. We are deeply grateful to all our partners and contributors who made this possible. I am also grateful to my colleagues at the Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT and at the offices of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture in Geneva for all their hard work, and particularly to the Archnet Directors for their leadership of this project.  Most of all, I am grateful to our users.  According to Google Analytics, there were nearly 3 million page views in 2017, and our user base expanded by 16% of the 2016 calendar year. 

This collection presents a sampling of new material added to Archnet since January 1, 2017.  The collection contains four subgroups: sitespublicationsimages and mediacollections and exhibitions. In total there are 312 items in this collection, but that is only a small fraction of the resources added during the 2017 calendar year.  We hope this small taste is just enough to whet your appetite, and that you will continue to explore Archnet, the largest, most authoritative open access library of resources on the built environment of Muslim societies.

See, also, our list of the most accessed resources of 2017.

-Michael A. Toler, Archnet Content Manager
January 2, 2018

Images & Videos
Child Collections