Mehmed Paşa Camii
Amasya, Turkey
The Mehmet Paşa Camii is located in Amasya on the right bank of the Yeşilırmak, just downstream from the Bimarhane. An inscription above the main portal dates the building to 1486/891 AH and attributes its patronage to Mehmed Paşa, a deputy of Bayezid II when he was governor of Amasya.

The mosque's plan is T-shaped. On its north side, a portico comprising six domed bays fronts the main facade. One enters the interior of the mosque through a large portal, which is just off center under the third domed bay from the east. The portal gives onto the prayer hall, which consists of a cube covered by a dome resting on an octagonal drum. The prayer hall is flanked on the east and west by shallower lateral wings that extend the length of the portico. A minaret rises at the northwestern corner of the prayer hall its base is flush with the facade of the mosque.

A madrasa originally occupied the northern half of the grounds opposite the mosque's main facade. It has been completely demolished but may have had a u-shaped plan.1


  1. Goodwin, Ottoman Architecture, 156.


Gabriel, Albert. Monuments Turcs d’Anatolie, 2:42-43. 2 vols. Paris: E. de Boccard, 1931.

Goodwin, Godfrey. A History of Ottoman Architecture. London: Thames and Hudson, 1971.

Amasya, Turkey
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Variant Names
Mehmed Pasha Camii
Mehmed Paşa Mosque
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