Muradiye Camii (Edirne)
Edirne, Turkey
The Muradiye Mosque was built by Ottoman Sultan Murad II in 1435 (839 AH) on a hill northeast of the city that overlooks the palace grounds (Sarayiçi) to the northwest. Originally conceived of as a convent (tekke) for the Mevlevi order, the building was converted into a mosque when completed. A separate convent, soup kitchen (imaret) and school (mekteb) were built on the site; none of them survive today. The mosque remains in a heavily repaired condition following damage in major earthquakes. 

The mosque is based on a reverse-T type plan of early Ottoman style. It is composed of a five bay portico leading into a central hall flanked by iwans east and west, and a prayer hall to the south. The central hall, presently at the same level with the prayer hall, was originally built lower, with a pool under the oculus of its dome that is now crowned with a lantern. The heavy arch that separates the two spaces is ornamented with muqarnas niches at its springing line. Side iwans are accessed through small arched entryways and contain niches for shelving and a fireplace (ocak). The steps leading to the single minaret begin inside the wall entering the western iwan, also providing access to the müezzin's lodge that is located above the main entrance on the interior. The current stone minaret dates from 1957. The original minaret, which was covered with decorative tiles, was rebuilt several times after earthquakes. 

The Muradiye Mosque is well-known for the tilework decoration of its interior. A variety of hexagonal tiles, featuring unique designs in white and blue, interlock with triangular pieces of turquoise color to form the mosaic of tiles that cover the walls of the prayer hall up to the top level of the first windows. At the center, the muqarnas mihrab niche stands in its tall ceramic frame, faced with faience in white, blue and turquoise featuring Koranic scriptures along floral and geometric designs. The frame remains cracked from an earthquake. The remaining wall space was covered with frescoes and calligraphy at the time, of which sections are still visible. Outside, the words "Allah" and "Hu" are carved on the northern wall in large letters on either side of the marble portal. The construction is in cut stone.


Ayverdi, Ekrem Hakki. Osmanli mi'marisinde Çelebi ve II. Sultan Murad Devri 806-855 (1403-1451), Baha Matbaasi: Istanbul, 1972.

Dijkema, F.Th. The Ottoman Historical Monumental Inscriptions in Edirne. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1977.

Goodwin, Godfrey. A History of Ottoman Architecture. Thames and Hudson: London, 1971.

Kuran, Aptullah. The Mosque in early Ottoman architecture. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1968.

Edirne. Publications of the Ministry of Culture: Ankara, 1993.
On Mimar Sinan Street in the neighborhood of Muradiye, Edirne, Turkey
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Associated Names
1435/839 AH
Style Periods
Variant Names
Muradiye Camii
Murdiye Mosque
Building Usages