Rabat-Agdal Station
Rabat, Morocco

Gare Rabat Agdal is Rabat's second major train station after Gare Rabat Ville. It connects two long separated parts of the city, the northern end of Rabat (the Akkari quarter) and the southern end (the Agdal quarter). Designed by Youssef Melehi, it was inaugurated by King Mohammed VI on March 7, 2016, along with the new Gare Rabat Ville extension, launching Morocco's first high-speed railway line, Al Boraq. The design combines the architecture of large airport spaces with traditionally-inspired elements such as the facades’ transparent geometric design resembling zelij. These triangles, diamonds, and hexagons allow natural light into the vast hall of the station.


The Passenger Building has two main levels: the ground floor, where passengers enter the station, has restaurants, a ticket office, waiting rooms, shops, the Al Boraq Lounge, ONCF offices, and access to train platforms. The mezzanine includes a food court and shops.


The station’s overarching design includes an office building, which has yet to be constructed.


"Rabat-Agdal Runs on GCF Rails." Generale Construzioni Ferroviarie, 2017. https://www.generalecostruzioniferroviarie.com/en/gcf-news/news-2017/114-rabat-agdal-runs-on-gcf-rails. Archived at https://perma.cc/5E8G-DH4L.

"Rabat-Agdal, une architecture d'envergure." Rabat capitale thématique: 4 gares nouvelle génération. ONCF, 2019. http://www.oncf-lemarocagrandevitesse.com/rabat-agdal.html. Archived at https://perma.cc/N9LC-5M3H.

"Sa majeste le roi inaugure de grands projets ferroviaires." ONCF, November 17, 2018. https://www.oncf.ma/fr/Actualites/Sa-majeste-le-roi-inaugure-de-grands-projets-ferroviaires. Archived at https://perma.cc/7EEQ-9AA7.
Rabat, Morocco
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Associated Names
2016 (Inaugurated)
2018 (Opened)
Total surface: 150,000 square meters (1,614,587 square feet); Passenger building: 23,000 square meters (247,570 square feet)
Variant Names
محطة الرباط أكدال
Gare de Rabat-Agdal
Building Usages