Residence XIII (Lashkari Bazar)
Bust, Afghanistan
Residence XIII refers to a large residential structure that lies approximately 1.5 kilometers north of the Citadel of Bust. Daniel Schlumberger, who excavated at Bust and Lashkari Bazar, assigned the otherwise anonymous structure this number. He also referred to it as "le Palais aux Raquettes," a name that references the racket-shaped apertures and blind niches used throughout the building on its facades. The date of the building is uncertain, but the Ghaznavid period (977-1186/366-582 AH) is likely.

Only parts of the building remained at the time of Schlumberger's survey. These consisted of parts of the southern facade, some structures on the east side, and some parts of the wall on the northeastern corner of the building. The building was constructed of mud brick and occupied a rectangular area and based around a central courtyard. Only parts of its southern and eastern facades remained, but these were impressive. The southern facade (possibly its main facade), consisted of a large arched portal surmounted by a frieze of racket-shaped apertures and blind niches (essentially an arch with a bulbous, rounded top, like an exaggerated form of a horseshoe arch). Flanking the portal were three smaller arched portals on either side, leading onto rooms that also communicated on their north side with the central courtyard. 

On the eastern side of the building, stood the remains of a long rectangular hall whose southern end was converted to a domed cistern.


Schlumberger, Daniel. Lashkari Bazar: Une residence royale ghaznévide et ghoride. Part 1A: L’architecture, 94. Paris: Diffusion de Boccard, 1978.
Bust, Afghanistan
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ca. 11th-early 12th/5th-early 6th c. AH
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Variant Names
Residence 13
Palais aux Raquettes
Building Usages