Attarbashi House
Herat, Afghanistan
Aga Khan Historic Cities Programme
Attarbashi house, a large family home in the Bar Durrani quarter of the Old City, was originally built in the mid 19th century by a distinguished grocer. This home follows the traditional layout of a northern (for winter use) and southern (for summer use) range of rooms, arranged around a large central courtyard that is accessed from a covered passage or dalan. The complex retains some of the characteristic elements of large family homes of the era, including a double-height central domed reception room, at the northern part, and timber colonnades along the upper levels of both ranges. The courtyard elevations contain timber screens in characteristic Herati style and sections of geometric patterned brickwork. At the eastern side of the courtyard, an unusual domestic hammam can be found beside a small shrine, adjacent to the main entrance. A servant quarter is located on the west side which contains a large domed kitchen.

Attarsbashi house, along with many other homes in the Old City of Herat, had fallen into disrepair and partially collapsed when surveyed in 2005. It was documented and restored by AKTC/HCP between 2006 -10. As part of the restoration works, the doubled height room was reconstructed and traces of fine molded and painted plasterwork have been documented and safeguarded.

Through the conservation initiatives in Herat Old City, the project provided opportunities for a range of specialist craftsmen to demonstrate their skills in restoring decorated plaster and woodwork, while training apprentices in workshops set up on site. With growing local interest in the conservation of the Attarbashi and other houses in this quarter, it is hoped that the project might have raised awareness locally of the potential for retaining and upgrading traditional structures in a context where many owners still see no alternative but to demolish and ‘redevelop’ historic property.

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture

See also:

Aga Khan Trust for Culture Afghanistan. 2007. "AKTC Afghanistan Newsletter # 9 September / October 2007". [Accessed 18 March 2013]
Old City of Herat, Bar Durrani quarter, Kucha-e Rokhband, Herat, Afghanistan
Images & Videos
Associated Names
Part of Site
1850-1890, restored 2005-2008
Style Periods
Variant Names
Attar Bashi House
Building Usages