Qutb Shahi Royal Tombs
Hyderabad, India
The Qutb Shahi Royal Tombs lie to the northwest of the Golconda Fort in Goldconda, a former hill fort that flourished from the late 15th century until 1591/999 AH. The tombs are approached through Banjara Darwaza or from the Toli Chowki Road. The necropolis consists of 20 structures, including 7 royal tombs, a mosque, mortuary bath, baoli (step well), and museum (added by the State Archaeology Department). The entire Qutb Shahi dynasty is buried here, with the exception of Sultan Abulhasan Tana Shah who was exiled to Aurangabad. The tombs are spread out over a low plateau, and share a common form: an onion dome atop a square plan tomb, surrounded by an arcade with rich ornamental details, and with corner minarets. The tombs are built of local granite and plaster.


Khalidi, Omar. A guide to architecture in Hyderabad, Deccan, India. Cambridge, Mass: Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, MIT Libraries, 2008. http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/69102.

Michell, George"Golconda." Grove Art Online. Oxford Art OnlineOxford University Press, accessed May 23, 2014http://www.oxfordartonline.com/subscriber/article/grove/art/T033041.

Rocco, Sha. A guide to Golconda fort and tombs. Lahore: Civil and military gazette Press, 1900. https://archive.org/details/guidetogolcondaf033107mbp.

Vottery, Madhu. A guide to the heritage of Hyderabad: the natural and the built. New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 2010.
Hyderabad, India
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Site Contains
16th-17th centuries
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Variant Names
Qutb Shahi Tombs
Necropolis of Golconda
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